

Top high-demand programming languages list to learn in 2018

These days lots of students are joing into engineering and lots of passing same in every year.

But who will get job?

If we Considered 100 students, Sure only 4 or 5 will be in their domains and remaining are out of domain. Because of shortage of required knowledge. Companies are expecting lots of experienced employees and not a freshers. Even if company hired for fresher, Sure there will be 95% case comes to low pay and no salary. Many will work for experience only.
Here is the solutiopn for that,

Here we have listed few high-demands programming languages which can gives 100% Job guarantee (Based on performance).

*Hadoop : Is one of the open source software and Java-based programming framework that supports the processing and storage of extreme large number of data sets in a distributed computing environment.

*,Java : Its one of the programming langauge and all know about the name called "Java". Its one of the general-purpose computer-programming language.
Java is created with five primary goals
1, Should be "simple, object-oriented, and familiar,
2, Should and secure,
3,Should be "architecture-neutral and portable,
4,Should be execute with "high performance",
5.,Should be "interpreted, threaded, and dynamic"

*SQL : SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases and its domain-specific language.In 1969, IBM researcher Edgar F. Codd defined the relational database model, which became the basis for developing the SQL language.

*JavaScript : Do not get confused with Java and Java script. Java script one of the world’s most popular and powerful programming language. This launguage most commonly used as a client side scripting language

*C# (C-Sharp) : Its new programming language and designed by Microsoft for a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework.

*C++ : C++ is one of the general-purpose programming language. This launguage most widely used languages for scripting.

*Python : This is one of the booming language in these days, Python is very easy to learn and implemtnt.Python widely used for scripting.It has various testing,building,deployment,monitoring frameworks,scientific apps and just quick scripts.

*PHP : PHP is one of the (Hypertext Preprocessor) server-side scripting language and Its designed for web development.

*Ruby on Rails : Ruby on Rails is the server-side web application framework.

*iOS/Swift : Its one of the general-purpose, multi-paradigm and compiled programming language. This launguage developed by Apple Inc.

These are most using programming languages and these languages has high-demand in software industry. Learn and earn.

1 comment:

  1. How do you choose the best choose the best product among the ones listed here?
    Vet in bundaberg
