

Basic Steps to become a successful and passionate Blogger

Here we are giving the basic needs or basic steps to become a successful Blogger. We are all human and we are all different from each others in many Activities, Way of thinking, Way of working and many more. All we have enough knowledge think and implement and nobody is the waste in this world. Just all we have to open our book and write our stories properly.
In this world everybody has there own interest like some people love nature, Some people love trucking, Some people love photography, Some people will love agriculture. In the same way all we have different hobbies and interest.
For all our knowledge Blogger is one of the best and beautiful source to spread or share information or experience with all. Your shared information may save many life's or may be will be the moral or it might inspiration or it might learning to someone.

Here you may have this question
Why i have to spend my time to writing Blogs?

Yes, Its absolutely the right question. Because its a busy life and all we are giving importance to earn money and we all busy with earning earning earning. Thats it.
Here in the Blogger platform, If you share your information or experience by writing Blogs, You will receive a visitors (Who required your information).Visitors are like you, Many times you also dependent for Google or other search engines to find the required information. In the same way your experience or information also helpful to some one and they come to know by your shared Blog information.
Here if your shared information is useful and many users are coming to check your Blog, Sure you will receive some approach from brands to show their ads in your Blog or can go for Adsense. This is the way will generate the money and this is how your spent time will pay you back.
Basically do not write Blogs by focusing on money, Just start your Blog as your passion and one day this will turn as your money source.

Basic eligiblity to become a blogger

*There is no restriction to become blogger,
*Must be 18 Year old to sigh up with Gmail,
*Must have writing knowledge in English is better or any regional language also can write, But visibility will be less,
*Must have knowledge make beautiful and understandable sentence,
*Your Blog must have Min 500 words. 

Its enough and no no need any coding knowledge to start your Blog.

Steps to start Blog in Blogger

*If you have Gmail id is k or create one Gmail account,
*Login into your Gmail account,
*Open New tab and search for Blogger,
You will see in the first suggestion itself, Visit
*Next in home page itself, You will see the option to Sigh in option,
*Just do Sigh in using your Gmail account login information,(Blogger is Google product, So can sign in using Gmail itself)
*Next step ask you for your Blog name, Choose your Blog name,
Its like
*Next choose your loved theme as per Blogger suggestion , Here Blogger platform will provide free themes to build your beautiful blog or you can add your loved theme from any other source also by purchasing or free also from 3rd party's.

Thats it next start writing your first Blog by choosing New post or New page as shown below.

Here you need keep two things in your mind

*Label : Label is a category name
*Search description : Its helps to match with user input

Once you completed your post or page, You will have to Mention label(category), Ex : Technology or Human etc. In future days the labels are the roots to create user friendly category menu in your Blogger home page.Once you completed the label, Then write search description, search description is a meta description and its very important to write based on your Blog or article information. It helps search engines to find your page based on users search. The search description must be less than 160 character or if its more than 160 will not be considered in search engines.
Once you completed the search description, Just publish the blog and view in your blog page

In our next blog will explain about the,
How to use Blogger features and few advanced steps to work with Webmaster and Sitemap,Google analytics and Blogger errors for beginners.

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