

what is web hosting and how does it work

Web hosting is one of the skill in web devolopment and its not a big deal.Basically if any one wants to build the website or any other brand related website or portfolio websites, First step has to register domain name. We have already expalined the process of of domain name registration in our previous blog. Once the domain name is register, You need to but hosting space.

Hosting space is where we can keep our website. There are lots of service providers in the market to host websites. Hosting providers will rent their space with customer requirement, Here you needs to choose plans to host website. When you choosing your hosting plan, You must keep your requirement ready with you. That means when you try to buy hosting space, There are lots of service providers will provide different features with different prices. Here is an Example

As you can see the example of screen-shot for hosting plans, Here you can see different types of plans and different features. So this the reason we asked you to keep your requirement ready like,

What is web space volume you required to keep your all web data

Web space means is a space to keep all your website data like Products data or portfolio data. If your business into E-commerce or any other selling related is better to go for best plan or if your website is into portfolio is better go for basic plan.

What is the bandwidth is requirred to your website

Bandwidth means the amount of data able to transfer within your website ,Customer and the Internet. All hosting providers has their own bandwidth limitations based on plans. So calculate your visitors into your website and choose the bandwidth level. Unlimited bandwidth will be the best suggestion in hosting or once your bandwidth capacity reaches the limitation, You need pay extra money to renewal again to unlimited bandwidth plan.
So better to go with Unlimited bandwidth plan.

Requirred E-mail accounts

Plan your Email accounts for your organization, Example once you host your website, You will be able to create Even hosting service providers has their limitation with E-mail id's also. So choose you plan according to requirement.

Limitation on websites

Once you purchase the hosting space, There are limitation on websites also like, ABC plan has only 3 websites to host in that purchased space. So plan your requirement to host website. Here you can host multi numbers of websites in one hosting plan.

FTP accounts

Hosting service providers has there limitations on FTP accounts also (File transfer protocol). Basically FTP is used to transfer the files from your computer to hosting space.If you need to access you FTP from many people or few. Plan the requirement and choose plan according to FTP accounts also.

Sub domains

There are limitation on sub-domain hosting also. Before purchasing hosting plan, Plan your sub domain and buy the hosting plans.

Once you are ready with all above plan of actions, Now go to search engines (Google) and search as host my website or website hosting plans. You will receive lots of hosting service providers in the market. Visit top rated hosting providers like bigrock, Hostgator, Hostingraja, Godday etc and buy your plan of hosting. Once you are done with hosting space purchase, You will receive mail for the access link of your hosting space or you can directly visit service providers website and you can login into your account. There you can see your hosting space details.

Now everything is ready to host your website. Here one-thing you need to choose carefully is the "Platform". There are lots of platforms to host your website like Wordpress, Opencart, Magento and more. So choose your sufficient and user friendly platform to host your website and start building. Here you will see lots of options like these days hosting providers are providing tools to build website through drag and drop option or you can buy one suitable theme for your business or port folio and add it into your hosting space.

Thats it, Hosting is completed and our next blogs will explain detailed information about platforms like wordpress, Open cart.

Best of luck

1 comment:

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