

List of village famous animals safe to grow and use of animals

Cock and chicken

Cock and chicken are inexpensive to grow and useful to eat.In the village area will find Cock and chicken everywhere. Village people will use to grow Cock and chicken for the purpose of eating eggs and meat.Normally every house in the village will use to Cock and chicken, Because the village Cock and chicken food is very tasty and fresh. Some of the cases village people will use to increase number Cock and chicken family by the source of chicken eggs.
So main purpose is to grow Cock and chicken is to have tasty meat of village style.


Sheep is one of the cheapest expense animal to grow in world.Sheep will eat grass and other dairy foods.If any one visits into village side, Most probably will see the sheeps in 70% of the villagers houses. In sheep category villagers will use to sell, As well as meat. Basically sheep will starts from minimum 8Kg to more than 80Kg also. Once the sheep is grown properly, Villagers will plan whether the sheep needs to sell or use for themselves as group.
In the time of festival season or in the time of any special days, Villagers will use complete sheep for themselves like, Sharing with their entire family or sharing with neighbours for money.


Cattle is one of the famous farming industry. Its most of the criteria inexpensive and most of the criteria very usefull. There are 2 types,

*Cow (Which is female) : Female cow will use to give birth to cow and female cow will provide milk (Which is very important in human health). Few of the country will use eat the cow meat. Its depend on the country and people. In India hindu people will call cow as "God".

*Bull (Which is male) : Bull is a male cow and its able to breed. Bulls are used in agriculture work and some people will eat bull meat also. Its depends on country and people.

As of now in India villagers will say cattle is god.In these days based on cow milk, Manufacturers are producing many verity of the products as dairy products.


Dogs are very famous in village side, Because of the promptness with human. Almost in all the houses use to grow dogs due to robbers and other animal problems like jungle pig, Leopard etc.
If we come to the city once, People will spend lots money to grow dogs and even people will spend money to buy dog also. But if you go into village side, Dogs are inexpensive and they eat in any homes in the village. Village dogs will have promptness with owner or food providers. If we compare with village dogs and city dogs, Village dogs are better in Promptness. Because we heard lots of stories, Many dogs are killed the owner itself and expensive also like "Mandatory to supply the level of food and maintenance.


Goats are very famous in domestic (Village sector) side. Because goats are very inexpensive and profitable animal. Every time goat will gives birth  to 3 to 4 baby goats, Some cases 10 also. Even goat meat is very healthy meat for human. People will use to grow goat for Meat, Selling and some people will use goat milk also. Goat milk is very precious and it has power to kill many of the health issue.


Cats are very common in village side. Almost in all the villagers home has cat. Cat will have food as milk, Meat etc. Its completely inexpensive and no need to spend single paisa to grow. Cats will helps by killing rats inside the home. Because villagers will keep whole year foods in their homes and commonly rats are use to cut those packages and spoil the stored products. So here cats will use to kill and eat the rats will helps to people.
Above list of animals are grow in 99% of the villagers houses.

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