

Cockroach killer paste spray gel powder

Here i am sharing my personal experience about Cockroach

I have to say one thing, You cant escape from cockroach by using cockroach killer paste,Spary,Gel or any home remedy. I think you have already experienced by doing many methods to kill cockroach's. Cockroach killer is not a small thing, Because many people are used, Many kind of gel, Spary by spending lots of money to kill cockroach. But again same will repeat in next day, Its like "Where ever you go i will be with you". 

*I have spent more than Rs 5000 in 3 years of my time. But i failed to escape from that cockroach. These cockroach will never die by any cockroach killer gel,Hit,powder or any ayurvedic mathod.
*The concern is when i come into my home, Started see those cockroach roaming around my home. Its look like cockroach are king. Many times i felt go stay out of home.
*Once i was travelling in my bike and suddenly found 1 cockroach inside my helmet and i was in middle of the road and left the bike suddenly to escape from cockroach.
*Some times these cockroach will become killers.

May be you also found many unexpected hits from cockroach like, If you enter kitchen will see cockroach, Bathroom, Hall and everywhere. Even once you close the eyes at night might not get better sleep. Because warriors will wake up to work. Some time can find over bed sheet also. Its depends on number of cockroach in home.

Here its not the matter of 1 cockroach or 2 cockroach in home. Only 1 cockroach will become 1000 cockroach. Because of cockroach growth is like that. Some time i found cockroach in dinner also.  Many time i got irritated.

*Here will tell you onething, When ever i irritate from cockroach, was spending 1 or 2 spray to kill them.
*Mean while all cockroach will be in to escape from spray. Once i press spay over cockroach will started to act like dead, But tomorrow wake up and seeing same cockroach world in home.
Its my strong experience with cockroach, Do not spend money on buying gel or spray or any other present solution to escape from cockroach. Because money will go, But again the same cockroach world after 1 or 2 days of time.
After 3 years i am completely disturbed from cockroach and started to find permanent solution. Many shops i visited, But all shop keepers will suggest only spray or local gel to escape from cockroach. Its my humble request, Dont buy any spray and cant escape from this cockroach.

All shop keepers wants to sell the product and wants to make more margin with useless products. Even company's also playing with people happiness.
Because the company's will manufacture cockroach spray at low cost and try to make more money with bull shit products. They know very well that spray will not be the permanent solution and again the same customer will come and buy again. Just its making money with middle class people by giving less price and less effect products. Ever shop keepers also have same strategy , Selling more units will become more margin.

After all my research, One fine day visited into medical shop and asked for cockroach killer. Here also same offer from shop keeper, Sir buy red hit will be the best solution. He dont that how many red empty hits in my home.
Again i asked him for permanent solution, He started (Shop keeper) by saying that "Sir its little costly, But 90% will find solution from cockroach. I seen at first time and decided to go for that. I purchased that at Rs 175 in local shop. May can find at low cost in online and applied in my home as per instruction.


It was miracle. After 1 day is better result and after 3 or 4 days, I dint seen even single cockroach in my home.

If you want to escape from cockroach, Buy "HIT Anti Roach Gel" . Its available in few shops or visit nearest medical shop. Sure will get this or click below to find solution today.

Dont think, Just buy and follow the product procedure. Sure will get relief from 

If you feel that you found solution from this, Leave your comment in comment section.

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